What Are My Responsibilities in Marriage?
Here at Breakwater Coaching we teach there are three components to a healthy marriage. They are: Caring for Self, Caring for Your Spouse, and Caring for the Marriage. Caring for Self is vitally important for the individual to stay balanced physically, mentally,...
When You Think Your Marriage is Failing, Focus on YOU
In John Maxwell’s book, Failing Forward, he gives us a way to change our thinking patterns about failure. Let’s apply these to our most precious relationship, our marriage:1. Examine your expectations for that area. First write down the expectations you have for your...
Are You Listening?
As marriage coaches, we are asked one question more than any others: “How can we learn to communicate with each other?” Our response is there are three components to communication: Talking, Listening, and Responding. The most important component is Listening. John...
Don’t Waste Your Experience
Do you have Vertigo in your Marriage?
Pilots are trained to depend on their instruments, not their senses. If a pilot loses sight due to inclement weather or other environmental conditions, he must stay focused on his instruments, or risk experiencing "vertigo." Vertigo can occur when the pilot loses the...
You Are Not a Yellow Banana! and Other Lessons
Thursday, January 30, 2014 was a very sad day for me, as my lifetime mentor and friend left us for her eternal rest with the Lord. While she was not a public figure, Gloria Guzzardo touched hundreds of people’s lives with her testimony and service to others. I was...
Baggage is what you carry to the airport
For years I've heard laypeople and experts alike use the idea that people bring "baggage into a relationship." Then the mentor, counselor, or therapist would have you identify the "baggage." Well, I have concluded that baggage is something you carry to the...
Marriage: From Heartbreak to Joy
Marriage: From Heartbreak to Joy.
Marriage: From Heartbreak to Joy
Mark 5 tells us about a man who was tortured by evil spirits, and the process that occurred when Jesus healed him. As we study this story, we see how, in our suffering, we fail to recognize what needs to take place to find healing, whether personally or in our...
Don’t Waste Your Experience
As a relationship coach, I often hear the question: “Why is this happening to ME? Many times a person wonders why their spouse left, why their child has an illness, or why they were violated as a child. They often feel like they did something wrong, or even still,...