Marriage: From Heartbreak to Joy

by | Jul 27, 2013 | Uncategorized

Mark 5 tells us about a man who was tortured by evil spirits, and the process that occurred when Jesus healed him.  As we study this story, we see how, in our suffering, we fail to recognize what needs to take place to find healing, whether personally or in our marriage.  We need to move past the suffering to the reality of what God is offering us.

Note the following:

1.  He kept hurting himself.  He was hurting himself with stones.  Today we use drugs, food, sex, alcohol, overwork, and negativity to hurt ourselves, which also hurts our marriages.  In our marriages, we keep hurting our partner and our self over and over when we engage in what Breakwater Coaching terms the “crazy dance.”  We let our fears and anxieties fight with each other instead of identifying them and letting go of them to let Love in.

 2He was preoccupied with death.  When we do not focus on hope, there is no hope.  We focus on the negative; we allow words like “always,” “never,” and “divorce” to enter our conversation.  The death of a marriage is imminent when faith and hope are not present.

 3.  He had no peace, day or night.  He was being tortured by negativity.  Without Love, there is no peace.  Once we make the choice to allow Love to enter our lives, hope and faith come with it, and the result is peace.

4.  He lived in isolation.  We often hold on to the “secret;” we don’t want anyone to know we are suffering, so we suffer in silence, or we tell the wrong people, the people who feed our negativity, who “tell us what we want to hear.”  We have to make a decision to tell the right people, those people who will love us well, expose us to the truth, and deliver us from the power of the secret.  That’s what Jesus would do.

Jesus came.  Jesus healed.  Jesus told the man to stay free and help set others free.  Here at Breakwater Coaching we help others to get free of the strongholds in their marriage that keep them from experiencing the joy, health, and happiness that they can have – a marriage filled with intimacy and love.

If you are experiencing heartbreak, or think you are headed in that direction, call us at Breakwater Coaching.  863.875.6869.  You will be glad you did.


Notes taken from The Word for You Today:  Strength and Guidance for Daily Living.